Now that Passkeys are generally available, we can start thinking of strategies to implement phishing resistant authentication in our environments! Microsoft has provided a lot of guidance on rolling out Passkeys in general. In this article, I'll talk through some...
Category: Guides
A collection of guides I’ve put together, or I am resharing, that provide free knowledge primarily for managed service providers and primarily from the technical angle. The guides I write are always free and you don’t need to sign up for anything to get them!
Data Loss Prevention for Any SMB
It's time for a new guide for MSPs! The Safeguards within CIS Control 3 speak to the need for proper Data Protection. Implementation Group 1 (i.e.: the minimum we should do) covers some basic data management and protection practices such as: Establishing and...
Data Classification for All
I figured I would expand on my Purview Information Protection information by creating a general guide around information protection labels. In this guide, I take a deeper dive into Purview Information Protection and provide you with some implementation examples that...
Traffic Light Protocol with Purview Information Protection
I recently made a post on LinkedIn about how I've applied the Traffic Light Protocol within my own Microsoft 365 tenant using Purview Information Protection. I opted for this route because, in my personal tenant, I'm not often collaborating with other members of the...