Category: Business

What if my cloud provider dies?

What if my cloud provider dies?

This weekend has been marred by an ongoing outage at major cloud provider Rackspace that is impacting their entire Hosted Exchange offering. After a full day of being down with lackluster (to say the least) communications, Rackspace came out and admitted that they've...

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month Marketing (2022)

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Marketing (2022)

It's Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the on month a year where people other than us are paying attention to the details in cybersecurity. Joking aside, public and executive awareness isn't where it should be, but I like to believe it's getting better. In this post, I'm...

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Dear Security Vendors: We Need to Talk

Dear Security Vendors: We Need to Talk

It's not us, it's you. We need to talk about marketing and how we should be presenting our products and services to newer practitioners in our space. For too long now, there's been this marketing trend of "100% protection." It's got to stop. The Truth About...

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Handling NCE – Part 2

Handling NCE – Part 2

Back in January, I shared some ideas around how I'd personally approach NCE. To this day, it's one of my most popular posts. To that end, I thought I should elaborate on some of the contract ideas I'd shared previously. Before we get Started Keep in mind that my model...

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How does your MSP’s Team Identify?

How does your MSP’s Team Identify?

As a trusted technology provider and business advisor, your MSP has some serious horsepower. It's why Matt and I are constantly talking about the importance of locking down your own house. You, the IT provider, could wreck livelihoods if something went drastically...

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