Device code phishing is a real threat that often goes unmitigated. Microsoft's recent warning that threat actor Storm-2372 is actively executing a device-code phishing campaign drives that home. If you want to learn more about device-code phishing, check out the...
Category: Modern Workplace
Trying a New Task Management Tool
If you know me, you know I've been a longtime proponent of Microsoft To Do and its vast integrations across the Microsoft ecosystem. To this day, Microsoft To Do is one of my favorite task management applications. However, as the number of inputs in my life (personal...
The Joy of Killing Servers
I felt like making a fun post and was just recently reminiscing with someone about the joy of getting rid of servers. in my own technology practice, servers were the biggest headache (and profit suck) for the business. Poorly written line-of-business applications,...
Normalize Asynchronous Collaboration
There seems to be a rather unfortunate crusade against work from home and even hybrid work. There's a number of predicted problems that are driving this type of behavior from leaders. The obvious one being an 'old school' understanding of how work is done, or even...
Microsoft is Turning On Your Security Defaults – You Should Leave It That Way!
If you're a global administrator in a Microsoft tenant, you might have (or soon will) receive an email that reads something like this: You’re receiving this email because you’re a global administrator for [tenant name]. To help protect your organization, we’re always...
Dear SaaS Companies: You’re Holding Us Up!
CIS 6.7, CSF PR.AC-1, and just about every other security framework call for centralized account management. SSO is the best way to deliver centralized account management in the modern SaaSified world. However, even in 2023, many SaaS companies nonsensically insist...
Driving Better Employee Experience
We live in a time where we can live a seamless technological life in our personal world. What do I mean? Should we choose to, we can tell our home goodnight and all the right things happen. The lights turn off, the thermostat sets to the right temperature, maybe our...
Modern Security Baby Steps: Mobile Application Management
Implementing MAM is one simple step that you can take for a quick security gain! It will help ensure that data on untrusted devices is at least controlled and protected.