Raw Thoughts

Jeffco Incident – I Found Some Data

Jeffco Incident – I Found Some Data

This is an update to my story on the Jeffco Schools incident. Please refer to my "we are human" statement on that post. Defenders: We still see you, and we still empathize with what you're going through right now. This story will likely develop further, and material...

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School Cybersecurity – What can we do?

School Cybersecurity – What can we do?

In my last article, I covered the concerning trend of cyber-attacks aimed at K12 school districts. I've been keeping that up to date as best I can, so check there for the updates I've shared. To the point of this article, we saw Clark County and now Jeffco Schools get...

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Let’s Talk About the Cloudflare Outage

Let’s Talk About the Cloudflare Outage

Over the last couple of days, Cloudflare suffered a significant outage across its control plane and analytics environments. First things first: no, I'm not leaving Cloudflare over this. I've been a Cloudflare user for a long time, since the early days. Back when 12-...

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AI is not a Red Pill

AI is not a Red Pill

Listen, I'm just as excited about artificial intelligence as everyone else. However, like with many things, I am firmly in the camp of "proceed with caution." AI is and will continue to power a lot of amazing things, but it also continues to have a lot of unknowns I...

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Electronic vs Digital Signatures

Electronic vs Digital Signatures

Some time ago, I posted about certificate authentication, and certificates themselves. In those articles, I mentioned digital signatures and made a really small mention that digital and electronic signatures are two very different things. In this article, let's unpack...

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Securing WordPress with Cloudflare Access

Securing WordPress with Cloudflare Access

Quite some time ago, I posted about my use of Cloudflare's edge services to protect my WordPress installations. I still use and recommend Cloudflare as a frontend to all of your public facing (or even not public facing, future post coming) web assets. Even on the free...

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