Raw Thoughts
Another School District Targeted – This one Hits Close
Before we dive in, I want to make something clear. Right now, there are a lot of incident responders dealing with these attacks on education. These people went to bed as defenders and woke up as incident...
Let’s Talk About the Cloudflare Outage
Over the last couple of days, Cloudflare suffered a significant outage across its control plane and analytics environments. First things first: no, I'm not leaving Cloudflare over this. I've been a Cloudflare user for a long time, since the early days. Back when 12-...
Normalize Asynchronous Collaboration
There seems to be a rather unfortunate crusade against work from home and even hybrid work. There's a number of predicted problems that are driving this type of behavior from leaders. The obvious one being an 'old school' understanding of how work is done, or even...
AI is not a Red Pill
Listen, I'm just as excited about artificial intelligence as everyone else. However, like with many things, I am firmly in the camp of "proceed with caution." AI is and will continue to power a lot of amazing things, but it also continues to have a lot of unknowns I...
Your Healthcare Provider may be Failing You
In the first half of 2023, an estimated 39 million people were impacted by 295 data breaches, in the US alone. This is a stupidly staggering number, and it just shouldn't be the case. As 'clickbait' as the title of this post may seem, I think it's true. When I go to...
Electronic vs Digital Signatures
Some time ago, I posted about certificate authentication, and certificates themselves. In those articles, I mentioned digital signatures and made a really small mention that digital and electronic signatures are two very different things. In this article, let's unpack...
Securing WordPress with Cloudflare Access
Quite some time ago, I posted about my use of Cloudflare's edge services to protect my WordPress installations. I still use and recommend Cloudflare as a frontend to all of your public facing (or even not public facing, future post coming) web assets. Even on the free...
To IaaS or not to IaaS?
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) might just be the cloud in its purest form. It truly is just "renting someone else's" computer. Because of that, IaaS offers a ton of flexibility, but it comes with a catch. So let's explore the question: should my cloud...
Microsoft is Turning On Your Security Defaults – You Should Leave It That Way!
If you're a global administrator in a Microsoft tenant, you might have (or soon will) receive an email that reads something like this: You’re receiving this email because you’re a global administrator for [tenant name]. To help protect your organization, we’re always...