I felt like making a fun post and was just recently reminiscing with someone about the joy of getting rid of servers. in my own technology practice, servers were the biggest headache (and profit suck) for the business. Poorly written line-of-business applications,...
modern workplace
Normalize Asynchronous Collaboration
There seems to be a rather unfortunate crusade against work from home and even hybrid work. There's a number of predicted problems that are driving this type of behavior from leaders. The obvious one being an 'old school' understanding of how work is done, or even...
Driving Better Employee Experience
We live in a time where we can live a seamless technological life in our personal world. What do I mean? Should we choose to, we can tell our home goodnight and all the right things happen. The lights turn off, the thermostat sets to the right temperature, maybe our...
Modern Security Baby Step: Data Loss Prevention
After my previous Modern Security Baby Step, I posted a poll on LinkedIn so that you could decide the next topic! Surprisingly, you voted on Data Loss Prevention Rules I recommend for all! So, let's talk about DLP! Data Loss Prevention is a simple concept. Hunt the...
Communicating in the Modern Workplace: Too Many Tools?
As Microsoft Teams was entering the marketplace, truly coming in hot, I heard an interesting perspective from a then client of mine:Dom, isn't adding more communication tools just adding confusion?In a way, there are right. If I have too many ways to get in touch with...
Hybrid Work: The Future of Distributed Work
There's no debating that the nature of work has changed, drastically. The effects of the pandemic are far reaching, and aren't simply going to disappear. The sudden need to enable telecommuting and remote work has provided golden opportunities for employees and...